how much do veterans pay in taxes in dallas texas

How Much Do Veterans Pay in Taxes in Dallas, Texas?

In Texas, veterans receive various forms of veteran tax exemptions, especially when it comes to property taxes. Dallas follows the state’s general guidelines, which are designed to ease the financial burden for veterans, particularly those with disabilities. However, how much veterans pay in taxes depends largely on their eligibility for certain exemptions.

Property Tax Exemptions for Veterans in Dallas

One of the primary areas where veterans can receive tax relief is in property taxes. Texas offers significant property tax exemptions for veterans with service-connected disabilities. These exemptions are particularly valuable in Dallas, where property values are often high. The amount of tax exemption a veteran can receive is directly tied to their disability rating:

  • 10-29% disability rating: $5,000 exemption on the appraised value of the property.
  • 30-49% disability rating: $7,500 exemption.
  • 50-69% disability rating: $10,000 exemption.
  • 70-99% disability rating: $12,000 exemption​(

For veterans with a 100% disability rating or those deemed unemployable due to service-connected disabilities, the property tax exemption is even more substantial. These veterans are eligible for a complete exemption on their primary residence, meaning they do not pay any property taxes on that property​.

Tax Benefits for Surviving Spouses

Surviving spouses of veterans can also benefit from tax exemptions. If the veteran was receiving a 100% disability exemption at the time of their death, the surviving spouse may continue to benefit from the property tax exemption, provided they remain unmarried and continue living in the residence​.

In addition, if a veteran’s home was donated by a charitable organization, a partial exemption may apply based on the veteran’s disability rating. This benefit also extends to the surviving spouse under certain conditions​.

Income Taxes for Veterans in Dallas

Texas does not levy a state income tax, which is an additional financial relief for veterans living in Dallas. Veterans receiving disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs or military pensions do not have to pay state taxes on this income​.

Additional Exemptions for Veterans Over 65

Veterans who are over 65 can qualify for additional exemptions, which can either reduce their taxable value or allow them to defer property taxes entirely until they sell the property or no longer occupy it. In some cases, veterans can combine these age-based exemptions with their disability exemptions, further lowering their tax liability​.

Vehicle Veteran Tax Exemptions

Although veterans do not get blanket exemptions from vehicle sales taxes in Texas, they may be eligible for reduced registration fees. Disabled veterans with a service-connected disability rating of 50% or more can receive a discount on vehicle registration fees, which provides some savings when purchasing a new vehicle.​

Conclusion for Veteran Tax Exemptions

Veterans in Dallas benefit significantly from Texas’ tax relief programs, particularly in terms of property taxes. For those with disabilities or who have served in wartime, these exemptions can reduce or entirely eliminate their property tax burden, helping them better manage their finances. As Texas remains a veteran-friendly state, understanding and utilizing these exemptions is essential for minimizing tax obligations and ensuring that veterans and their families receive the benefits they’ve earned.


How much does a 100% disabled veteran pay in property taxes in Dallas, Texas?
A veteran with a 100% disability rating pays no property taxes on their primary residence in Dallas due to the 100% property tax exemption.

Can surviving spouses of veterans in Dallas receive tax benefits?
Yes, surviving spouses can continue receiving property tax exemptions if the veteran was eligible, provided they remain unmarried and live in the same residence.

Do veterans have to pay Texas state income tax?
No, Texas does not have a state income tax, so veterans do not have to pay taxes on their disability compensation or military pension.

Are there tax benefits for veterans over 65 in Dallas?
Yes, veterans over 65 can qualify for additional exemptions or property tax deferments, reducing their financial burden.

What documents do veterans need to apply for a property tax exemption in Dallas?
Veterans need their VA disability letter, a completed and notarized Form 50-114, and proof of residence to apply for the exemption.

Can veterans transfer their tax exemptions if they move to another home?
Yes, veterans can transfer their tax exemption benefits when moving within Texas, although they must follow specific procedures based on local taxing districts.